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I am Legend October 6, 2008

Posted by selvaraaju in Uncategorized.
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Some say Legends are not born but they are made.  Like Will Smith in the movie, he believes that he is the last man on earth. But still he searches for the human beings by transmitting some news via Radio.

This movie really inspired me by some way. Even though its a sci-fi, it really shows how man would live alone in this boundless world. I like being alone but this movie sets the limit for my loneliness.

This movie talks about GOD. Will Smith performs his best when he says “There is no GOD” to Martha.

kudos the script writer and Director. I even imagined myself as being Robert Neville and I was involved.

Life is terrible if you think you are the last man on earth. This proves that man is a social animal. He/She needs people to express their emotions. The emotions could range from love, touch to sex.

What matters is people..people as humans..who could accept you ..your feeling.

Even I am wondering now how Adam & Eve would have lived their life?

Any thought..reader? Comment on this !! 🙂